![Praise Him!](dancing_man.gif)
Most of my songs are in German, of course. But here you find the English ones. They all have one main theme: glorifying Jesus, my lord and saviour. He's the most important person in my life, and the relationship to Him goes far beyond the one to my beloved wife.
You're the rock
||: You're the rock,
You're the rock of my salvation. :|| (4x)
You died on that cross
to save me from all of my sins.
You died on that cross,
on that dirty one.
You died on that cross
and took my shame upon you.
You died on that cross
and shed Your blood,
Your precious blood.
© Thomas Rohland, 1999
Praise the Lord!
||: Praise the Lord -
He's worthy to be praised.
Praise His name!
Praise him all the time! :||
© Thomas Rohland, ca. 1996
This one has kind of an african groove ...
My God, You are good.
My God, You are good.
Oh, my God, yes, You are good.
You took my soul and sat it free.
I'm always thankful for the forgiving that You
gave me.
Oh, thank You, Lord!
© Thomas Rohland, ca. 1987 (ooold!)
You are exalted
||: You are exalted, exalted to the highest.
You are exalted, Your throne stands on high.
You are exalted, exalted to the highest.
You're the King of kings and Lord of lords. :||
||: You are the holy one.
You are the precious one.
You are the awesome God,
who reigns on high. :||
© Thomas Rohland, ca. 1999
It's all grace
It's all grace, that You care for us, just
grace, that You love us so much,
grace, that You died for us, so that
we might live by grace.
For it's all grace ...
You saved us by grace,
and all that You demand is our faith.
And even that is from You!
You did it all for me,
and it's worthless to try on my own,
yes, it has no worth to work it out by myself.
So I don't try to work it out by myself.
For it's all grace ...
© Thomas Rohland, ca. 1997